Sunday 2 December 2012

My ReaL Fairy TaLe ~ "PrinceSs Diary 2"

Fairy TaLe "My Princess Diary II"

After many years, having music around mE ..but none to caLL it my own, I swear to give my bestest, as charming as The Prince charming wouLd be.. but again there'LL be no prince charming without hiS princess.. as much as no music that I can caLL it my own.. I'm happy, I can Live now.. but stiLL, I can't charm peopLe anymore..

My beautifuL face can't be seen by others without me mirror'ing her charms.. I can't attract, I can't puLL peopLe around me to Listen stiLL.. I keep looking at myseLf in the mirror, wondering why.? "Yeah, you are stiLL one ugLy dude to others, without her charms", I said.,

Because her charms comes deep from her beautifuL heart, making my heart pumps more bLood to my face.. making it red, bLush with her Love.. Fill with that pinkish love colors.. As charming as she is, she has that heart of goLd.. Keep thinking about others, rather than her own seLf, thus, keep hurting her seLF, Lying to her seLf, denies of what she deserve even a LittLE..

As goLd is aLways the coLor of deception, she deceive her.. because she feeLs she have too. But guys, please be respectfuL towards her, as God wiLL aLways do, as He loves her princess, that have the heart of GoLd, that wiLL think of others before hers, that never cares about herseLf.. Just to make others happy. So I say to you my sweet Lil' princess, my sweet Lil' angeL.. I'LL wait, forever if I have too, just to be with you.. UntiL you have make aLL the peopLe around you happy before you are set free..

If that is your wish and If we stiLL have time. But, at times, do Leave some of those work to God.. As we can't take care of aLL hearts.. As hearts is forever being own n controLs by HIM.. Yess my sweet angeL, take controL at times, but let it go some times.. As, we are never in controL of us, of our surroundings, as

The Writter have written the stories for aLL, and the stories has been written beyond our controL. UntiL then my DarLing princess, may you aLways have that beautifuL life you deserve, with aLL your Love ones around you.. and remember aLways, that,

"A whiLe is Forever ~ Sementara Itu adaLah SeLAmaNya".. And, do take care of my "Love", as I know you wiLL aLways do. I trust you with aLL my heart, My Life , My Love. From your Loving Prince Charming, with.. Lots of Love, Hugs & Kisses ~` 8888 '

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