Sunday 2 December 2012

I Am The Lucky One ~ "Rugby WorLd CuP"

I Am The LuckY One ~ "RugBy WorLd CuP"

Hye ya guYs, sorrY as I waS havinG a bad start for tonight, N there was an unLuckY event or me this eveninG, drawiNG out the DeviL to take controL of me for a whiLE.. Anyway, otherwise todaY was a great day to begiN with and had a pLeasurabLe time with one of mY MRSM TdK guys, the CapTaiN of my rugby team himselF, Mdsyahrizal Majelan a.k.a DoNA..

As I watcheD the rugby games just now, but I was more astonisHed at how Dona see's the game from his poiNt of view.. He is StiLL a great team CaPtaiN'.. So Dona brotheR, this shorT storY is EspeciaLLy dedicated to You n the rest oF "BudaK KeciK sudaH Mari" team mateS.. "RugbY WorLd CuP" I was 15 when I had the interesT in rugbY, never had any in footbaLL, I don't know why.. Maybe because the MachonesS of the pLayers or the games it seLf, fuLL of violence yet sucH gentLeman's game to watch N to pLay..

I started joining the seniors pLaying in our MAktab's fieLd.. The training was, though !!.. running through fieLds, carrying one another (carrY babY) running upHiLL beside the teachers house.. It was so gruesome but exitinG at the same time, I can't expLain..

PLease!! Its a fuLL body contact game, but, thats not the reason why I likeD the game so much okaY.. N yeah, we got chance to hurt our seniors haha.. The best larR.. Every time there' a game, I wouLd foLLow, just being a supporter for the team is good enough for me then.. as, that one year of training makes me feeLs like a part of the team..

When I was in form 4, some new guys came N join us.. As the coach start asking their experience, I was happy to Learned that one of those guys, was pLaying rugby for STAR College Taiping, and HE is "DONA".. To understand my excitement is to know that "STaR" was famous by their very good rugby team.. I was so exited now, because, our batch have a Star of rugby in it ourselves.. The coach was in need of an underdoG team, so, most of us, the form 4 guys became the underdog, but again, with Dona Leading our team, we aLmost beat the seniors..

DurinG the selections for wakiL sekoLah, as we are having inter schooL game events, Dona N some other guys from my batch, shouLd have been seLected to be in that team because of their skiLLs..but the teacheRs decide to let aLL the team member foR the game, be seLected from form 5 guys, as to give them chance to Play bcoz of their Last year there..

As sad as we were to hear that decision, we accepted it, because we just feLt that our seniors too deserve to have that fuN.. By year 91'.. aLL of us were exited, as we were no more the underdog.. we were an actuaL MRSM Terendak Rugby Team.. I remember how one of the guys (jam jam) even manage to ask his dad's companY to sponsor our rugby poLe as the oLd one was aLready in a bad shaped, and even manage to aLmost made us our new uniforms..

We just Love the game, n we wiLL be practising everY day, finding new stratergies, trying to manupuLate the ruLes to our advantages.. We were not Playing the game.. we became the game itseLf, even the ex MaLacca coach who trained us, faLLs in Love with us.. When its aLmost game season time, teachers came N again brought bad tidings for us.. We've been toLd that aLL form 5 guys were not aLLowed to pLay, as, the game is too cLose to our SPM triaL exam.. We feLt like the worLd just crumbLe in an instance..

Every one was devastated.. Worst, the teachers had asKed us to TraiN our juniors, our form 4 guys to Play rugby.. "BUt teacheR.. theY never PlaYed !!!" we aLL shouted, keepinG our anger aside.. Many of the guys don't even want to look at the rugby fieLd anymore as we were frustrated.. the 3 years of training was for noThing.. Even our coach quit his position as ouR rugby coach.. (and he was so confident with us ) As, there was no coach, no one eLse to take charge.. I had to take the roLe.. Looking for Players from the form 4 guys..

LuckiLy, most of the new form 4 guys, volunteered to pLay.. Even when theY know what they are facinG N we onLy have few months to train what others did in years.. but they kept their feet on the ground.. Just to keep MRSM Terendak's name up there on the board.. GAme seasons~ We went from schooL to scHooL to compete n the other schooLs did't even know that it was our form 4 that was Playing aLL the games, N for the other schooLs, their pLayers were mostLy form 5.. Yes, we Lost aLL the games we PLayed ( what do you expect from guys who had just touch a rugby baLL for 2 months, without proper coaching n support), but I was so in Love even with these new guys, as, even being booEd at n at timeS they have no more energY, no support from our schooL, and theiR Egos beinG fLushed down the draiN.. they StiLL plaYed, never quiT..

NEver let the torchure of beinG made fun by other schooLs stop them from pLaying the games untiL finish.. And yes, if I have my own team to train after that, It wouLd be the same team.. Just before the Last game, the teachers came to us with another news.. aLL the form 5 of our batch, is now aLLowed to pLay on the finaL game.. The finaL game is actuaLLy not for us, its to decide between ranKing of number 3 and 4th for the other schooL.. meaning if the schooL that pLayed with us wiNs, they'LL be ranK number 3.. Even the form 4 guYs we aLL exited for us, as we were aLL are.. we were like the secret weapons that no one knows..

I stiLL remember that daY, as the same finaL game was beinG pLayed between MuzaFfar Shah n High SchooL Melaka to see who ranks number 1 and 2.. The game was set in High SchooL MeLAka.. As we came down the bus, we were "booEd" by other schooLs, we even hear them say "BUDAK KECIK SUDAH MARI OOI".. we smiLed.. The schooL we're suppose to pLay, lost by just some points to High SchooL MELAka and they were aLready ready to hoLd the number 3 pLacing for that year.. As we enter the fieLd, we saw how big in sizes were our competitors, really lar.. they don't Look like form 5.. but itS ok..

When the whistLE bLows, aLL of us just go into our own UniverSe n start Playing.. aLL the practices, the stratergies that we've plan for 3 years, came out in that one singLe game.. We pLayed so good untiL the whoLe High schooL Melaka n other schooL students just kepT their mouth shuT.. By haLf time.. we took out our best pLayers N put the reserves in just to leT them feeL the game.. As the 120 mins coMing to an end, we just enjoyed our seLf untiL we never cared about the points anymore..

And went the finaL whistLE bLows, that was when our 3 years of rugby practice comes to an ends with iT.. FiNaL Score MRSM TERENDAK Won bY 40 - NiL.. !!! HAhaha... that was the best game ever for me, the proudesT moments, when smaLL boys became "BIG GIANTS".. Even the Malacca coach was so impressed and onLy then, it was brought up to them that aLL this whiLe we, the form 5 guys never pLayed.. The coach offered some of us to play in the MSSM game for MaLacca, but again, our teachers didn'T approved of it..

But I guess it was oKay, as we had our great momenTs there aLready.. As we waLked towards our bus to go back home, the other schooLs just kepT quiet, as we aLL was shoutinG "Weii BudaK KEciK nak BALiK weii"..

We were so happy, aLL the guys were there, the form 5 .. N the new form 4 teams.. cheering happiLy as our Bus drove off going back to our schooL.. So Guys, my stupiD team mates, DoNA, JAM2, JAi, Akta, Zaki n the rest of you, even mY Junior batch that Played Last time.. I'm tryIng to arrange just a simpLE practise games for us to enjoy the game again..

Don't just pLay GoLf Larr.. thats for oLd people.. You guys have the hearts.. don't be surprise how far we can go.. I know how much I can push myseLf, I know how much u guys can go too.. just that you guys just don't know it yet.. So if anyone of you are reading this.. just PM me your number..

Live once, Die once.. WinninGs, wiLL be a memorY that we can never forget, eveN Long after the time we have Gone.. For frienDs who are reading this, I don't need to teLL you guys again N again of how Lucky I am kan :)".. as, I Am a very LuckY dude.. Cheers, have fuN n Gudnite guYs n GaLS.. ♥ You aLL 4 Eva ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~

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