Sunday 2 December 2012

I Am The Lucky One ~My One True Love ~ Extended Story

WhiLe WaitinG FoR My CfO To arriVe..

In this damp & dark weather where clouds keep coming in bringing in showers after showers of rain.. Let see if Abg Naz can write u guyS anotheR Story of mY Life..

OWh weLL, she's maybe goNNa hate me, but I don'T care, as I don't think she can haTe me more that how much she's hatinG me now.. :)"So Guys, Please Don'T Bahan (make fun) of me after thiS because I'msharing with you aLL my meaning of living okay..

"My One True Love ~ extended version

There she goes, thiS Sweetest LiL' angeL, robbing the heart of this pure InsaneLy DeviL.. MAking him just so cRazy about heR.. His Live in a univerSe which circulate around her and making her that point of the SysteM for him..At times when she was stiLL in schooL, he was so craziLy in Love with her.. He just came straighT to her home in KLuanG one day, without having much money in his pocket n some clothes which he carries in his small carry on bag.. When the Sun start leaving the sky n ripples of stars making their way up to the skY, her MOM, SuddeNdly came up to him and Asked, "Where are you stYaing tonight My Boy"? .. HE answered, " Its ok AuntY, I can sleep at anY mosque" smiling.. Her MOM was Stunted, suddenLy she asked him again, "WouLd you like to staY here for the nite?" .. WithOut hessitation, he almosT yeLL n said "YESS".. hehe, takdew kemaluan punyer malau kan kan.. He never care, what people look or think of him..

At that time, the onlY thing that matters is how she look n thinK about him.. For Him, She is hiS Life now, all existence stop to exist when he found her.. But YEss, at times when he was aLL alone in KL, friends stiLL do keep him accompanY.. Otherwise he will be aLL alone, Always be missing her Every time.. But Every time, he was wondering, when He can ever be Always, Everytime by her side forever. Every time he asked her the same question over n over again..

"Can I Die before you, as, I can't bare Living without you.?" And She will give a Short answer of "yess". Before, HE thought, because of her answer, it means that he is in love with her more than she ever will.. BUt now he understand, he was wrong.. HER Love is so Great that she's willinG to go through the suffering of seeing him go away as not to see him suffer.. HEr love iS so strong that she thought she could bare that pain for HIM..But what she doesn't know is, even in the darkest layer of HELL, he is stiLL sufferinG, not because of the Torment of HeLL, but leaving heR behind to take aLL that pain herself..

During her school days again ... Every time he comes n visit.. He will try his very best to get her flowers in Kluang Town.. Every time her parents brought her to KL, he will find hiS way to see her n with what money he have in hiS pockets, wiLL buy what ever food he can for the whole family to eat.. YEahh, he is So Dumb Dumb at times, as, a human, he always do mistakes after mistakes.. Most of it, by not believing her and testing her..

Day by day by day..He can't remember anniversaries date, important dates n sometimes even her favourite colors.. At times she sings songs at karaoke, which is reaLLy from the bottom of her heart for him, but he didn't bother to go through the lyrics..

But, no matter how simple her cooking was, It was the bestest of food he ever tasted.. How simple she wear, wiLL be her bestest Look, even when she made her angry look because he aLways like to joke about her in front of friends n family (as that is the way he was tought by daddy to show the love to someone), that face wilL still be the most beautiful face of them all..

Yeahh, we had our time.. As there was once, I really2 made a bad mistake by loving another, yerr larr, bukan canteek pown, but that girL was Looking after some importance which I can't explain, and as a scumb bag Like me, was so easily to fall in love..

But funny thinG was, how matter I made her sad, made her angry, she never Left me, holding on the the name she knitted once when she was small "RYMAR" .. So, It was never her mistake for not lovinG me pown Guys.. Even trying to convince mySelF, the past 1 year before we separated was the best time n wonderful Life I found back with her, but maybe aLL the years of tormentinG her n making her crazy before, drives her to finallY gave up on mE..

PEople always misunderstand her Love.. as how she love, is how I love, by yeLLinG, cursing, getTing anGry.. And when She or Me stop aLL that yeLLing n curSing.. It means, that we stop caring and Loving anymore.. The 20 years of knowing n Loving her made me realise the mistakes I have made.. I care less of what's goinG to happen to me now..but, I do care one thing, God made me loose my face to the One I love the most, by not being able to support them even a little when I'm down.. I just wish, she'LL be happy.. any where she goes, she'LL be happy, as she deserve that happiness..

So Boss', Give her Happiness as She deserves it.. She has no sin to me, as I have forgiven her of any, as, she never has any..Give her the bestest of Live n May average be the best for all of us.. May she never be sad again, May Angels always make her smile.. MAy Devils always be her protector.. My the Earth give her blessing everytime she put her step on it, May the colors of light (Sun,MOOn,Stars, even kelip2)..

Give her light eevrytime of the day & nite.. AnD, InsaneLy saying, EVen Loosing her, Made me "A Lucky One" as, again, from the 1st day we kisses, I was happy to die, as I got that feeling of Love from the girL that Is actualLy to good to be mine to begin witH.. Yeah, to take her name out from my heart is to be an easy way out, to make me less suffering, but I won't..

As, the pain of missing her, loving her.. will be my best memory every n I wiLL carry that aLL my Life, eVen after I DiE.. And it wiLL always remind me of how great that love means to me..Abang Naz aka Adek Ti, signing oFF again guys.. I hope next story won't be so much about me teLLinG my sad stories :)

Do prefer makinG u guys happy than LookinG at my sad pathethic life.. So, tomorrow is Friday..So.. THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY!!! & ENJOY tHe WeekeNds OKAY.. LOVE ALWAYS ~888 ~

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