Sunday 2 December 2012

I Am The LuckY One ~ My CooLest HerO, PaPa ~

I Am The LuckY One ~ My CooLest HerO, PaPa ~ (OriginaL titLe " or Am I") 

Praises to the moon; Stars that brings light in the night, to the Sun that Always without resting give us colors in day time..; 

Praise to the One that creates ALL Today, I just found out, that short stories must always be kepT short, thanks to my old but still young fern Norhamiza Anuar 

Actually while writting nie.. I still don't know what to write, that is why the tittle is "or Am I ?!!?" .. But guess oNe of the bestest story shouLd be regarding my Dad,a super cool dad to me..a gud frens to many if not all.. So let me try to write sumthing about him okay 

"My C00Lest Her0 ~ Papa" YeahH, I called him PaPa.. as aLL my sibblinGs do too n He has So many AnaK2 angkat that calls Him the same.. 

This Guy, if He is not My Dad, i'LL be caLLing Him hell's keeper, as, I think aLL his kids are the DeviLs just came out from HeLL n He Is the OnlY one guy in This worLd thaT could bare to taKe care of them.. 

Hmm.. Refreshing the moments, as much as I can remember from their stoRy.. Many don't know of HiS involveMent in MILF" .. weii not that MILF larr (MOther I Like to xxxx) no, not that, the other MILF"( korang nie apew larr hotakkss, Dush!!).. but then again it was way back before I was even born.. 

He doesn't come from a well to do family, as, he never got the chance to meet his dad from small..but always, when I asked him regarding his younger days when he was a kid, it seems that, he got everything that he ever wanted, especially from his loving GrandPa.. Came the stories when he court my mom (as their house was behind one another), and pretending not looking at each other.. chehh, konon, nak tew, cakap jew larr kan :) My color almost black u know as, the not so white color ex tourism minister (yg selalu pakai bow tie tew), came to my mom's house once utk 'Melamar".. huhuhu.. U guys don't know how lucky I am.. HisSh.. (tak leh saman, tak sebut namer pown, bweek :P) They alwayS n aLways keep repeating the same stoRy how me, I was made on a ship, OtW from kuching to Tawau.. Now u guys know why my feet is always not on the Ground, as I was made NOT ON LAnD.. owHH.. hmm.. 

My DaD BriG Gen (rtd) Dato Yusoff Izzudin Bin Zainol Abidin with Adek Ti

Papa was alwayS a cooL dude, but he forgetS some cooL memories, as he don't want mama to know, especially the One when he takes me out when I was like 2 or 3 years Old n force me to caLL him abang when meeting young ladies (If I did, he bribe me with stuffs larR), so, I'm ok, maybe still feeling Lucky to have a cool dad Like him hee :)".. But the sad parT.. most of the ladies were cheeky, n called me a gurL.. so to prove a poinT, he always ask me to show mY "xxxx".. Wow, no wonder larr, from smaLL, older ladies have been eye'inG on ME.. haha Lucky Me.. hrmm.. 

Papa is a fun guy and we enjoy His company everytime when He is around.. He would protect me from Mama's beating, you can see Marks from beLtinG on PaPa larr when I take cover behind Him from Mama when I made her angry last time.. But Papa also perangai like me.. Always promise but never keeP, but I do know that he meant every words of it, onLy, Luper sebut InsyaAllah ler teww.. Isk Isk.. HE is a kinda guy that never hold grudge to his dad who he thought abandon him since small, n, when he was a teenager, from Kedah, he went Looking for Him in KL.. Found his dad.. and the first pLace they go to was a "CLUB" in KL.. waaHH my Grand dad also a cooL Dude!! Hmmm.. Good blood lineS I have.. such cool blood lines :)".. really.. 

As a soLdier.. We moved every to years (transfer to different2 state).. And moving is like a common thing for uS already.. He went for his staff college in London, ThaiLand (where he can stilL speak n write thai still until now) n KuaLa Lumpur larr.. He became a Defense Attache For Malaysian Army in Singapore.. where onLy intelligence people knows how oustanding his worK there, no one knows.. 

He've been in battles with communist n many of his friends either died or lost their legs n injured.. He survived. He waS there, In the Great war that made world history, to see One of the Greatest Muslim Kings falling down, when the first attacked was been made by Americans against Iraq, during the 1st Gulf war, as, he was under the United nation peace keeping mission between Iran n Iraq.. As, He was trapped within Iraqi territory by Iraqi soldiers, un wanting to let Him go.. Hero gak my dad kan :)" But a soldiers tale is always kept from public.. 

Some say, the accident he had in Sarawak was at his own leisure time he took to bring some of his oLd fren' from singapore to entertain them.. but what people don't know, that these people are the people that give Him support n some local knowledge when he was there in Singapore as the Defense attaché.. When He was badly injured during the accident, the government deny him of his right to get full scheme for loosing his ability to use his left leg again.. But again, he never complains.. For me, he took bullets for the country, for his wife, for his children, for his family, for his frens.. And many who know him, will tell you who he is or who he was.. 

He is My hero, my strongest warrior, a shoulder when I need to cry, a wallet when I need some cash..opss, My King, My God.. My Papa.. Yeah, with still one leg, he is still that cheeky LiL' angeL, taking hearts away from woman he meets (reason is still me larr, since kid until now, wanting to introduce them to me larr konon..bweek :P, lucky they never ask me to show my ooppss) .. but its ok larr papa, you done more than you shouLd, n for me, you shouLd be happy.. and I know, even how notty you are pown, you are alwayS happy when mama is happy kan :) So guys, am I lucky, Or, am I lucky.. as so many of his anak2 angkat, will tell me this, You are very Lucky to have such beautiful n loving parentS n They do get jealous of Me.. And ALLAH, if u r listening.. Tq boss, as, "I Am The Lucky One", as you gave me HIm to take care of Me from the time I was born, n , Until now when I faLL so low.. And I swear to you boSS.. no one can do a better Job of taking care of Me, than HIM.. Yusoff Izzudin.. 

So, please.. Give Him he bestest n May Average will be the best for ALL of Us.. AMEEN.. So guys, thanks again for tuning In.. I do hope I can share more storie's with u guys soon, and I humbly appologiSe if at anytime I kecik kan hati saper2, "especially mamat yg pakai bow tie tew" bweek :P.. weii I don't care as I don't vote week.. GuyS n GirLs.. Wishing u aLL a gudnite sleep, may heaven opens up its door n brings sweet melodies of music for u all to sleep like babies n angeLs.♥ //\\ abang naz signing out.. gudnite.. SaLam guys..

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