Sunday 2 December 2012

I Am The Lucky One ~ Introduction ~

Since school days, when the teacher asked me, “what would u like to do or what is ur ambition”.. I always froze n can't really get the answer out instantly, as i never can make up my mind, as I would like to do many things. Ended up answering either a lawyer or a pilot.. (lawyer~ reason being, i just like argument, pilot~ I just like to fly like the eagle, soaring high in the air...

Funny thing was, I got my chance to take up Law, even only until matriculation level at UIA, until MAS call me for interview.. So guys, even I don't get the chance to be a lawyer, I have a hell lots of friends that are now, n damned they are good, until the CID who brought me for remand, told me, that he had never met such good quality lawyers yet so humble.. yes, those r my buddies, n they came to me at time i didnt even call them, n they never ask me a single cent coz at that time I have none :)".

My best of time, was during my training days in Australian Aviation Collage Australia, where young boys, trying to become man, visiting red light area, dgn mke yg comey2 jer sumer hee :D.. Even the training was tight (only 10 months to finish what others do in 18 months) , I had the best of time there.. Flying for me, like an eagle..

Commercials days was ok, during working time in MAS, I can't complaint, but a little.. i tend to think about money than that love for flying.. Yeah, you guys are right to, as, I have nothing else besides that to support my family.

To enjoy flying again, I decided to start finding income elsewhere, so, I turn to business. Well, I do enjoy it as, it lets me meet people..but again, business world is a cruel world, underground world is much more forgiving.. When the business start to fall, i left my work as a pilot to try n save the business, to the very last breath.. not that I care about money so much, but the love I have for the people around me.. My mom always says, don't let me love a person, because I will love them whole heartedly. When it collapsed, I lost everything that I have n everything that I love along with it.. It took me months n months to get hold of myself, bcoze, there is no more reason to live ;)" .. during that time, that last breath, sumthing took over, which I admitted calling Him, the Devil in me.. He push me to be strong, to be crazy, just no more, I always looking to find Death himself, n pinch his cheek.. 

Within that 10 months, I became a singer, bouncer, "Ster" -ermm if u r confuse, its sumthing like gangster larr, but, i have no gang, want to gangnam also cannot, so i became a "ster" jer lah.. paham dah kan :)".., became a life guard, body guard, pool cleaner, drug dealer..(eehh takder takder, sjer nak check korang bacer betul2 ker tak, tu ajer ;) Anyway, try to become a social escort, but no one wants me..dush!! ( by the ways, had lots of help during the days by parents, brothers n sis'..uncles n aunty's, cousins, friends n there r even some who just support me fm behind, far, so that i won't notice or know, but I do ;)" ) .. owh ps. during the biz days was good, got chance to learn shooting with the best, abg2 n tuan2 dari Unit Tindakan Khas.. Waah got chance to feel like a police guy for a while (wanted to be one also before hee :D ).. 2 years I really enjoyed my time with them, with the best of the best. rother praveen n record it abg awang bpr's place for free.. thank you abg awang, sorry takdew duit lagi nak record yg laen .. hee :D

Suddendly Angels came.. I never thought I would meet such persons and couple that are so loving n caring, that give n give n give n keep on giving, their time, their love, with so much effort, to give me air to breath, giving me a reason to live.. Only boss can repay what they did.. tq guys, u know who u are kan :)".. alar kalau org pegi kedai kita kat space u 8 Mall tu nanti, diorang pon akan tau punyer larr.

One time, I tried going to take a break 4 a while in london, some of u guys might notice, some may not.. BUt what I didnt tell u guys why I came back..Nak dengar.? Hmm layan jew larr abg naz ngarut kay.. After 16 years of being an MAS pilot n going everywhere n anywhere in the world, I never been to United Kingdom.. So this is my chance larr kan :)" senonok masa tew.. hmm.. They 12/13 hours of flight seems so long.. as I arrived, at Immigration, I was detained.. even when I told them I'm staying at Malaysian Embassy staff's house, I was a pilot for 16 years with MAS, n many others, after 5 hours of interogation, they sent me back to Malaysia.. Hmm, the Rm 4,000 ticket (which for me feels like rm100k at time we don't have much), they just treat it like rm 4.. And through out my career, that was my longest journey..KL - london - transit london - KL .. but again, I was happy to come back to M'sia.. Which I'm proud to call it my home.. n always there is no other place like home.. Now, suddenly, with a small weekend shop by the side, chance to fly again..

Hermm, i thrown away all my licence n everything else that matters with it as i thought i wouldn't be going there again.. but this is what I want, to be an aerobatic pilot, to soar like an eagle, to fly like a bird.. but can it happen.. lesen dah expired for so so long, pon dah hilang hermmm.. Just try.. if I got the license also, doesn't mean they will take me .. right, right.. (u guys ni, what la, say la in ur heart..abg naz u will get it, u will get it), if I don't get it (sedey lar sikit) , korang belanjer lar abg naz minum kayyy :P Well life is still there for me to live it, even through sadness n pain, I still can say , "I am the lucky one", whhyy.?

I go through life with so many colors n got to do so many things in this one lifetime n.. I havent past fourty.. Damned I'm still young.. ( korang yg 20an sure rasa lagi tua dari abg naz kan :)".. sori ego cikit ).. I have beautiful family n lots of love around. And the best thing that i get from all these, are friends like u guys.. knowingly or un knowingly, u guys still read my writing, even how stupid it may be.. just because u do care, u do.. I won't know, but you know who u are.

So thank you friends, family, guys n gals .. i love u all (but really, really please..even I have lots of Gay friends, I am not gay, kawan boleh, pegang jangan haah") .. Signing off now.. Take care Guys n love u all' ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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