Sunday 2 December 2012

I Am The LuckY One ~ "ArzuMi YuswiRa - 3rd Dec 1980"

I Am The Lucky One ~ "Arzumi Yuswira"

Hye guys, haven' t been with you guys for a while, sharing stories about my Life events.. As I was trying to create some make do ie. Fantasy story to keep you guys awake & happy..

For those who I haven't got the chance to wish, again I'm wishing you aLL A Happy New year & May this year and after brings much more happiness that we've aLL been dreaming about..

In the start of the new year, I wouLd like very much to teLL you the story of my beloved brother ,"Arzumi Yuswira", who had passed away many many years ago, but, to some.. EspeciaLLy my mom, it stiLL feeLs like yesterday..

"Arzumi Yusrwira"

WiRa wearing Cap & PLaying GuitaR

When he was born, my mom aLways told me regarding how much my dad lwas ooking to have a baby girL at that time.. He was in Sarawak conducting some military exercise in the jungLe..

But as soon as he heard the news, I know deep in his heart he was forever in Love with that babyish smiLe.. a smiLe of greeting from a baby boy, as he name him, "Arzumi Yuswira"..

For me, he was this cute n cuddLy lil" boy that was aLways getting on my nerve & my younger brother's nerve.. Always pLaying, disturbing us, n kaki report.. isk isk.. Always yeLLing MAMA !! MAMA !!.. we were like, "ee ii geramnyer with this boy".. then he wiLL hide behind mama's ass and make his angeLic PlayfuL face while being protected by her..

As he grows up, he look more n more Like me (but he is more a charmer than I am).. Everyone loves him and its fine with us..

He will try to do aLmost exactLy what I did, as he aLso went to the same schooL as me (MRSM TErendak Melaka), then for a whiLE he took his matricuLAtions in Mozek (Muzaffar Shah Melaka)..My sister intan was studying there in her secondary years..
and so, he was very cLose to her at that time..

HE managed to get himseLf in aviation schooL in MeLaka, as he wanted so much to be a piLot (i never know because he wanted to be Like me or he just loves it)

At this tme, he had his first Love, but, it faiLed him.. He is not the kind of person to say or do bad things to others.. but I do see at times he kept to much, untiL it was hurting him inside..

When he compLeted, he was so so happy to start fLying with MALaysia AirLines , but, he had this friend, that wouLd aLways try to be with him, that wiLL try to puLL him down with him.. (as this dude was taking drugs).. He manage to get away and was send to Kota KinabaLu (that guy was sent to kuching) to flew the fokker 50..

That was his happiest moments, making friends, having a girLfriend that even look like the one I Love..But we aLL know he was happy there..

One time he was so happy because Amy Search came to Kota KinabaLu n just hangs out in his aparment.. Making him like a friend..
What abang Amy didn't know, those short moments that Amy spend with him, is Like his bestest memory ever he have in this life.. He keep teLLing me again n again the stories..

So Abang Amy Search, even I know you are not readinG this, I just wouLD like to give you my sincere gratitude for giving that feeLing to my late brother..once..

Wira.. that is what we caLL him.. So kind, generous, aLways heLpfuLL, Loving n Most forgiving..

He was that link that tie us brothers and sister, as, before we were not so cLosed to each other, but every one was cLosed to him..

He took my part in looking after my mom and dad, after I got married, start doing my business, untiL I do negLect some of the needs of my parents (So thank you my LoveLy brother wiRa)

Then, it was time for him to come back to KuaLa Lumpur as he was promoted to fLy the 737 type aircfraft for MAlaysia AirLines..

But he keep trying to teLL me about him having to be together with that guy he is trying to get away from, but I didn't listen so much..

One fine day, my phone rang.. I was a caLL from a DCA Captain, who have been one of my cLosest friend as I heLped him in his training during my fokker days.. He is the father of that guy my brother trying to get away from.. He asked me to come and meet him urgenTLy in Hyatt Subang HoteL, where another captain was staying..

I rush there, finding him with the other captain.. HE asked me to sit down and start teLLing stuffs that made my head spin and my heart beat so fast that red is the onLy color that was visibLe in my eyes.. He toLd me that, he caught his son taking drugs.. And, it was not the normaL ganja or what.. I was the heavier ones, and many types of it..

He toLd me that his son says that my brotheR was also invoLved.. Without thinking I start screaming, cursing n yelling ..I was so so upset and angry at my brother, I was trying to find the dealers themseLves that night, as for me, giving drugs to Pilots, is like condemning the passengers to die with them..

I ask him, the DCA Captain, to bring this matter to the police and MAS, but, he begged me not to, as it wouLd ruined his name, as he is one of the high ranking person in DCA himself.. HE promised me to bring his son for drug rehab center and no one was to ever find out regarding this, or, he wiLL resign as he cannot bare the shame..

That was my mistake, to Let that happen.. To acknowledged a friend's need, trying to heLp n protect him rather than doing what is right..

The next day, I was screaming to my late brother about what had happened, what ever he try to expLained, I did not want to listen as I adhere to what papa always says, do what ever, but never do drugs..

I didn't listen to my brother, dragging him to the clinic to do a check on him.. But did caught a glimpse of his face, there was sadness.. Not because of a lie being they toLd about him.. but sadness because of his own brother, the one that he love and adore so much, believe others before him..

We did the check and yes, he was cLean..

Many months after, things happend which no one can controL.. Wira was sick.. HE was admitted to SJMC for a month then IJN for a month.. HE keep collapsing, with a heavy difficulty in breathing..

Doctor did aLL the checks that they can, never finding ways to heLp him and he was suffering.. (at that point doctors also check if he had taken any drugs, and there were aLL negatives in his resuLts)..

He asked me a question once, when he was in SJMC, "Abg Ti, hurmm.. MAS punyer management ader tak datang melawat Wira?" No, no one came, onLy his friends and famiLy.. He was sad..

To understand this, we brothers have been aLL our life living in MiLitary enviroments, and miLitary peopLe aLways visit their own when they are sick..
But MAS at that time, I onLy saw news regarding management people felt sick, or their family.. but as a staff , we are onLy just a number then, even if you are a pilot, maybe worst if you are not.. At that point, I start hating the Fleet Management of 737 for not taking care of their own..

There was one time, papa toLd me not to smoke infront of him, as, not to encourage him smoking.. So, I did that for him, but he is aLso kinda a smart guy, as he said, "Abg Ti, Wira sakit pasaL laen LAr.. Jangan arr mcm tew.. Kalau wira berhenti isap rokok, kang mati jugak, kempunan wira nanti".

So I start smoking again with him as, to see that nice smiLe from his face again.. I wiLL aLways remember his smiLe, his grin.. such a notty lil' bugger..
Even now, every time I go to his grave, I wiLL light a cigarette, smoke haLf n share the other half with him. like we use to do when we were young..

He finaLLy succumbed to his iLLnes, and, this part of the story is too sad to teLL you guys, as WIra means everything to us then.. Wira was Arnaz Yusry, Armi Yusdy and Intan Liyana combined in one singLe person, without having any negatives that we individuaLLy have.. It aLmost destroyed our famiLy..

We start learning to live life without him.. trying to puLL each other close, it was not easy..but we manage.. as how much love mom and dad have for him, they were the strong oneS, as, they pulled us aLL back together..

The funny thing was, after my brother died, that guy, the pilot who he was trying to get away from, was arrested by MAS for taking drugs.. And his dad, the DCA guy never quit his job. But what they did was worst, to safe his son, the father made up a story that my brother was doing the drugs and responsibLe in everything that happened to his son.. He put a bLame on a guys who cannot retaliate as he died already.. thus bringing down my brothers reputation with it..

I was so furious as I almost did something I regreted.. But some I stiLL did, I cancelled my simulator checks, almost cancelled a flight out of New York, as I heard that DCA Captain was coming to check us.. I was running away from hurting him.. but yes, that was another reason I had left MAS and many didn't know about that..

To my dearest wira.. You told me one day, that you are so afraid to die, that aLL the faith you have, aLmost collaps when everytime u think about dying.. Don't worry brother, now, I can reassure you, you are at the nicest place, the happiest place as God Loves you so so much.. How do I know.? I met God, I talked to him.. He just smiled when I asked about you.. Then I know..

We wiLL meet again my Lovely brother.. As you wiLL always be my bestest memory, as you wiLL always be a part of me, as you are me..

Dear friends n families, to endure the pain of loosing is much much unbareable, but rest assures, they are aLways with us, with their love ones forever..

He was so powerfuLL (he thinks lah) that he manage to convinced MAS to take back his son to fLY again, wow !! drug addict can flY again.. I wonder what would our customers say if they know that.. hurmm..

He wiLL get his, as God is alLways fair in his judgement, as hukum karma wiLL give back what he and his famiLy deserves, as, me, my mom, my dad n famiLy have to live knowing my brothers reputation was tarnish, even after he died..

It was a sad story, and peopLe can't even say I am lucky for that.. but I stiLL say that I do.. I Am The Lucky One, as I was give a chance to be His brother, the guy that is Also a hero in my heart, the strongest reason why I am living this life i"m living now..

UntiL next time guys.. thank you for tuning in.. I do hope I can give a little bit more energy in my writting next time.. So, have fun, sweet sLeep n sleep tight.. Don't wet ur beds ok guys~

Love you Always ~ AbanG Naz a.k.a Adek adik Ti a.k.a The DeviL iN KL..

~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~

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