Sunday 2 December 2012

DeviL's Gratitude to His Friends n Love Ones

Dear friends, just now I hesitate to write what I'm about to write because I feeL so tired, tired of todays journey which I learned so much from it..

which is, my whoLe year journey, I understand it today. i was asking my self a year ago, and I asked the same question to ALLah.. Do you want me to take charge, using my hand,as u give me these hands to do work.. Or do you want me to Let go, n just use faith, as u say, to have faith in was a Long n tiring 1 year journey of taking controL n letting go.

 Yesterday, whiLe beLaying (holding her safety rope while she climbs) a sweet 20 years oLd girL name "Hazika" , n yess she was gorgeous like crazy with her sweet charming smiLE and sparkLE in her eyes, opps.. i reaLise sumthing.. whiLE teaching her, i start to understand about taking controL n letting go.. about my question to me, my question to boss. As she was cLimbing, (at one quite difficuLt area), where most of the stones are smaLL in size, so she don't have a good grip.. She was stuck in the middLE, so tired.. I asked her to let go, because I was hoLding her rope tight.. By letting go, she wiLl stiLL be at the same spot where she is.. But letting go is never easy, as, to let go is to have faith in the person who is hoLding ur rope, because it is not her that is hoLding her own rope.. She have to reLy on someone eLse..

 To make you guys understand that concept more in life. We aLways take controL in our life, so much untiL we forgot to let it go sometimes to the All Mighty.. We forgot that H is there n HE wiLL take care of things n stuff when we let go, as, He wiLL open up the hearts of others to take care the things that we need to take care off.. And that, we won't fall if we have faith.. As we are no more putting that faith in the person that is taking over, but putting faith in The ALL Mighty HimselF.. if we have faith in peopLE, they wiLL faiL us, but if we have faitH in God, HE wiLL aLways be there hoLding that rope for us untiL we are ready again to cLimb But then, the guy who is hoLding that rope won't puLL u up.. as he wants to Let u feeL the achievement on ur own, to Let u feeL that greatness that HE lets you feeL when u achieve ur goaL n ur dreams. When Hazika Let go, (after having faith in the Macho Guy who was hoLding her rope ..errr) I'd asked her to just reLax, compose herseLf and just look from another side, another angLe (because if she is trying to look while taking controL, she can't see) .. At that time she look at the other stones, in a peacefuL mind.. The next stones which she can get a good grip off, is about 2 feet away, and she have no more strength to jump (same as I have no more strength to do anything at one time).. (this is when cheering heLps to give her some last strength) But when she lets go, she start to see, which stone she can use as her stepping stone, n , which stone on top of her that she can try to hoLd on to for a whiLe, untiL she can reach the roch that she wiLL have a better grip on to, that wiLL make her more stabLe..

 To understand it in parts of my life, which u guys can reLate more is something like this.. I wanted to be that piLot again (even not commerciaL but aerobatic piLot or a simpLe twin engine type), but I have no more money n wiLL power to do so (no more strength).. WhiLe letting go, God sent me angeLs that came to my need, being that stepping stone, to give me my wiLL power back, my strength.. n then, the smaLl stone that I can cLing on too untiL i can reach that bigger stone in which I wiLL have a proper grip in life (to be a pilot again), its like my dad.. Even he himseLf is not stabLe now, stiLL owing peopLe, and yet, he is Like that little rock, stiLL letting me cling on to him, untiL i can reach that bigger stone.. As, Hazika climbed, she did what I toLd her to, at times she controL, using aLL her might to puLL herseLF.. At times she let go, putting her faith in me, In God.. She never quites, she never stop in the middLe (otherwise she wiLL be a faiLure and she wiLL regret it forever).. As for her now, to get to the top, her goaL is the top itseLf n not the sky anymore.. (this part was remembering me, how i made mistakes before, as I aLways thought.. to get the moon, I have to want and to try n reach for the stars.. I was wrong) As, she reach the top, She was dancing like a King, ever so proud of her accompLishment n the victory that God made her feeL and gave for her to own it.. No one can take that away from her ever it is done.. She targeted for the moon, n she reach the moon.. As, many of us, targets for the stars n then getting the moon, but then, we are stiLL not happy and aLways wanting more..because we dream of more.. I know now why n when to Let go.. I know now why n when to take controL..

As, taking too much controL, in the end wiLL be loosing Faith, loosing the beLieve we have in God.. To much letting go, n we wiLL end up being Like the animals, aLways having food n drinks, but thats it.. We can't create, invent and enjoy the average Luxury that we want.. We can't make the worLd a better place.. A piece of heaven on earth.. A finaL thing to aLways remember.. On ur way up to that top, you aLways be using that smaLLer stones, either to stepped on it, or puLL u up for a whiLe.. And the stones have aLways been there for you ever so faithfuL n trusting you because they love you.. even some of them do breaks, but others are stiLL there.. Remember them, aLL of them, each n every one of them..

When you have reached the top, puLL them up with you first.. Never leave them at that place where they are.. NEVER.. NEVER.. NEVER..NEVER.. REMEMBER.... And guys, during cLimbing, at the middLE, when all energy is lost, some of ur finaL strength is actuaLLy the support n cheering from others, be it by your side, or from the one above n from the one beLow.. So guys, do cheer for your friends.. Be that cheer leaders that'LL give them the finaL strength for them to puLL themseLves up, to fight the finaL battLe, otherwise maybe they just give up and die.. As, you guys have aLways been with me my entire journey, watching me, cheering for me, trusting me..

Do it aLso for others.. And guess what HUKUM KARMA says.? I'm actuaLLy writting this with tears running down my eyes, as, how much pain n suffering I've been through, I have a lot of these smaLL little rocks that was aLways there and some are stiLL there for me, never giving up on me.. I aLways have the biggest n strongest cheer Leading team in the woRLd, as I have you guys looking at me, reading my stories n writting, giving me advice n such.. I have the bestest friends in the worLD.. and even God himseLf wouLD envy me.. I didn't put any titLE for this writting as, I don't want to own it anymore.. ThiS is for aLL of you Guys.. As, This is you.. I, The DeviL In KL, wiLL, Forever be so gratefuL, forever be in debted, forever be in Love with each n everyone of you.. so much so, untiL my hearts is so sad now.. so sad that.. i can't write anymore.................. ♥ U aLL

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